Brussels Sprout Marte F1
£8.40 – £52.08
Marte F1 Brussel Sprout Seeds – Limited Stock
Ready to harvest October onwards if sown early and will carry on up to Christmas. Good size buttons on full stalks and a good head for use as greens. (Precision treated).
Direct Drilled per acre: 28,000 seeds or 100g
Target Plant population per /acre: 14,000
Sow: Early season March, Mid season April, Late season May
Matures: Early season Aug/ Oct, Mid season Oct/Dec, Late season Dec/ March
Germination: 13-15°C
Row width: 60cm
Purchase by Seeds:
Sowing & Harvest Times
Protected cold
Protected heat
Transplant month
Flowering Period
Early Crop
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Main Crop
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F |
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A |
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Late Crop
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F |
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